*** Computerwetenschappen - K.U.Leuven ***

Computer museum: ATT Unix licence

Status: public -- Last revision: May 23, 2015

ATT Unix licence

This is the Unix licence signed by K.U.Leuven in September 1977. It allows the K.U.Leuven to run Unix V6 (version 6) on the PDP 11/45 of the Unité d'Informatique of the Université Catholique de Louvain. (At that time we did not have a PDP to run Unix.

This licence was later extended for Unix V7 and Unix System V and to run Unix on our own machines.

The first pages of the licence are mostly legaleze and only the first two pages and the signatures can be found here.

Title licensefirst page in legalezethe signatures

The appendix did contain every file/program covered by the licence. The first two pages contain a list of the contents of /bin, /etc, /usr/bin and /usr/games.

/bin and /etc/usr/bin and /usr/games

It is amazing with how few (and which) commands a working/usable system was implemented.

K.U.Leuven - Computerwetenschappen
Copyright ©2015, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement Computerwetenschappen
Comments to: Curator
URL of this page: http://museum.cs.kuleuven.be/pdp/licentie-E.html
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