*** Computerwetenschappen - K.U.Leuven ***

Computer museum: RK07 Disc

Status: public -- Last revision: May 23, 2015

RK07 Disc

Two RK07 disks were coupled to the PDP 11/60.

The removable disc did contain 28 Mbyte with a average access time of 50 milliseconds, the transfer rate was 2.75 micro seconds/byte (363 Kbytes/sec).

Since neither Unix V6 nor Unix V7 had bad block handling we bought "error free" discs (30000 BEF per disc pack). For the disc drives and for the PDP 11/60 Digital performed preventive maintenance about every three months. A technician did run some test programs and did replace used or ill performing parts.

Since Unix was multiuser, multitasking the discs were not changed during normal operation.

With 56 Mbyte the complete department was serviced. After some time an additional drive of 80 Mb was connected.

In 1979 the price of a RK07 drive was about 500.000 BEF.

K.U.Leuven - Computerwetenschappen
Copyright ©2015, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement Computerwetenschappen
Comments to: Curator
URL of this page: http://museum.cs.kuleuven.be/pdp/rk07-E.html
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